Let M*Power help you decide

There are over 3000 accredited universitites in the US and many more excellent schools across the globe.

We have the knowledge, expertise and tools to help you create a simple path to your perfect University.


unique advantage

Develop Your Unique Advantage

Its Never Too Early To Create Your Plan And Set It In Motion

One-on-One advising
Test Preparation
Passion Project
Summer Activities
Extra-Curricular Activities
Career Exploration
University Visits

unique advantage

Put Your Best Foot Forward

University Selection And Application Process

University Matching
Scholarship & Financial Aid Advising
Application Development
Essay Support
Letters of Recommendation Guidance
Interview Approach
Demonstrated Interest And Engagement Protocol

Journey Begins

Success! Your Journey Begins

Lots To Do Before You Step On Campus

Final Decision-Making Guidance
Financial Aid Clarification
Acceptance and Matriculation Documentation
Visa Support
Dorm Prep
University Success Strategies



Tyler Clarke

Barbados/Ft Lauderdale, FL
Trying to find the best school for me and getting a football scholarship is hard!  I had a lot of recruiters contact me but I didn’t know a lot about those schools and the schools I wanted to attend were not contacting me.  Marjori taught me how to find the best schools for me, contact the coaches and set me up with a long task list and a timeline to complete them.  I was not very organized and had so much other work to do, but she really helped me stay on schedule.  I got all my applications submitted early and during this process there was no stress with my mom.  She was very happy about that!  I got into 6 universities with football scholarship offers. I am very excited about 3 schools and they brought me for campus visits so I could meet the coaches and players in person and learn more about the school. I feel very lucky that I found M*Power to help me and my family through this process.  It’s very confusing and overwhelming, but she makes it much easier.

Bethany Miles-Greene

Parent, Trinidad

My daughter Giselle came home one day and told me she wanted to go to university in the US.  This was not anything her father and I thought about.  We didn’t have any money for that and no one in our family had migrated abroad.  However, she told me she met someone who could help her get into a university and get a scholarship.  I didn’t believe her, but she was so excited to try to make this work I didn’t want to say no.  We let her attend the sessions with M*Power and then had some meetings with Marjori and learned so much about how this works.  It IS possible to get scholarships, even if you’re not a US citizen.  I am so happy to say that Giselle got into 4 universities with full scholarships to all schools.  We are so proud of her!  This will give her so many new opportunities for her future.  My younger daughters are also now excited about the idea of going to the US for university and they are working much harder at school to make sure they can get scholarships too!  We never could have done this without the help of M*Power.


Jason Thomas


I knew I wanted to go to university in the US and needed to get a scholarship to be able to attend.  I also really wanted to be able to play football, maybe for a D1 university.  But I didn’t know how to start.  There is so much information online, but it’s very confusing and often conflicting.  My two coaches were telling me different things, my teachers were telling me something else and the videos I saw online were different too.  However, when I met Ms. Marjori in a group class, she was so helpful and worked closely with me and my family to find a lot of universities that fit the profile that I created.  We put a large list together and I contacted a lot of coaches and “worked the process” as she says a lot.  It was a lot of work, but I didn’t mind as I got into all the schools I applied to and got athletic and academic scholarships to cover almost all the costs.  I could not be happier and definitely could not have done this myself.  Thank you so much!


Dalita Keumurian

Parent, Brooklyn, NY

Thanks so much for all your help in navigating the college application process. You were a total lifesaver! Your strategic guidance was invaluable, as was the support and solid solutions you provided during an emotionally fraught time. Jackson is attending his first choice school due, in no small part, to you. We are thrilled to have worked with you!


Lexi Browne

Student, Holy Name Convent, Trinidad

Dedicated, caring and passionate are just a few of the words that come to mind when I think about Marjori. I am extremely grateful to have been given the opportunity to work with her! I went into the application process extremely discouraged, thinking that I was not good enough to gain admittance to many of the top universities that I wanted to apply to. Though the odds were against me, Marjori saw no boundaries and motivated me to complete my applications to the best of my ability. Furthermore, she always steered me away from negativity and self-doubt, fostering an environment full of optimism and hope.

Marjori is not a machine; (even though I sometimes think she’s a robot because of her thorough organization and carefully calculated moves to achieve the best outcomes- she makes it seem easy) she’s a friend. I’ve cried countless nights, overwhelmed by the stress of the entire process and sometimes over the smallest inconveniences. Either way, she was always there to offer emotional support and many times a solution. I cannot imagine how much more stressful this experience would have been without having someone, who genuinely cared, to keep my mental health in check.

I had full faith in Marjori’s silly but fun essay prep exercises, numerous spreadsheets and scary early deadlines. As a result, I am able to say that I have been offered admission to my dream school, USC’s Viberbi School of Engineering, which is highly selective, with an acceptance rate of only 11%. It’s safe to say that I could not have done this without Marjori who kept me sane, motivated and focused.

If you are lucky enough to have the opportunity to work with this strategic but nurturing mastermind- do not pass up the opportunity!


Elyse Dash

Student, Holy Name Convent, Trinidad

Working with Marjori has been an absolute game-changer in my college application process. As a Trinidadian student one thing for me was certain, I wanted to attend a US college but had no clue where to even begin. My parents are born and raised in Trinidad, they were just as confused as I was until Marjori, who was recommended to me by a close friend, came along and showed us the ropes.

Marjori worked with me diligently and thoroughly, first guiding me in selecting the right colleges for me as an individual. We did character reflecting exercises to pinpoint my best attributes. She was able to actualize these to help me stand out in my essays. Marjori recommended the best tutoring available and planned out study schedules in preparation for the SAT. We would chat on my essay and SAT prep progress weekly.

Beyond her outstanding organizational skills, Marjori would always have the most positive and inspiring attitude even when it became increasingly difficult for me to balance CAPE and college applications. She reminded me to breathe and remain hopeful.  I honestly felt as if she really cared about me as a student and for my future.

Marjori’s work truly pushed my application to be a standout.  She was able to make my achievements glow and help explain some of my personal shortcomings. I was able to get into one of the top universities in the US with excellent financial aid.

Her determination and expertise have taught me so much outside of the application process. Marjori introduced me to the adult world of responsibilities and taught me invaluable core lessons on resilience under her wing.If anyone seeks guidance to present themselves in the best possible light to attend the college of their dreams, Marjori is the answer you are looking for.


Jonathan Akan

Student, International School of Port of Spain, Trinidad

Marjori was very helpful to me during the application process. As an international applicant, I was unsure about how exactly the American college application process worked and what things were needed. Marjori helped me find colleges which were a good fit for me, made sure I was up to date with the application deadlines, gave me advice on how to strengthen my application and assisted me in contacting universities when I had questions. I have been accepted to many of my top choices and I couldn’t have done it without her help. Working with Marjori was a great experience and I would recommend her to any student applying to college.


Noelle Ross

Student, Holy Name Convent, Trinidad

My experience working with Marjori was exceptional. She was always there to offer support and assistance if I needed it and I appreciated how she kept up with all my deadlines and applications. She made the process so much easier for me. I highly recommend her services.


Lisa Browne


I went through the application process and attended university in the US. How much could things have really changed? Very quickly I discovered how out of touch I really was. The application process is completely different.

My daughter goes to school in Trinidad and really needed someone to hold her hand through the American college application process. Marjori is that person. She is fantastic! She is very knowledgeable about how to choose an appropriate range of schools based on your teen’s interests and grades, the application process, and finding people who can answer questions to help with your unique set of circumstances.

She listens. Although she probably has the best plan to handle obstacles that pop up to accomplish the desired result, she still listens to your ideas then integrates them into her strategy. She is definitely a team player.

Marjori is very timely and expects your teen to commit themself to the same. My teenage daughter was able to stay on schedule to complete the many forms, letters, essays and recommendations required submitted before their deadlines. Thank goodness Marjori is able get through to teens so they can get what they need done.

As a parent, sometimes I feel like I’m stuck in a cycle of repeating what needs to be done with little to no effect.

I have also never seen Marjori angry or upset. Even when my daughter missed a date, she simply called her on the phone and had her start the work then and there while they were on the call together.

I highly recommend Marjori as a college consultant. She made the improbable, possible. My daughter has been accepted into her first choice university with scholarship money. I can’t thank her enough.