About M*Power

University admissions can seem like a maze. From choosing a major to planning for standardized tests, from making your initial list to writing essays to evaluating financial aid options, our team helps students and their families make optimal choices that minimize stress and maximize student performance. Admissions planning is much more than taking a test, filling out an application and hoping for the best. Ask any of our students who have had successful outcomes. They will share that the process takes more time and effort than initially expected, but the outcomes are absolutely worth it.  M*Power will support you through the College Search, Application, Admissions and Matriculation processes with an approach tailored to your needs. ... We are an unbiased team that wants you to find the best fit university for you. We are unaffiliated with any university and provide unbiased advice, timely data and innovative tools to help you make your university dream come true!

The M*Power team provides one-on-one counseling, customized to meet each student’s unique needs. From hourly sessions to a comprehensive package, we work with families to make an easy, effective and efficient plan for university admission success.

For international students, this process can be especially challenging as the opportunity to visit universities is not a regular occurrence as is it in the US. We will help you define your key criteria in addition to academic profile and affordability. Do you want to be in a particular geographic area? Do you want a city, suburb or rural school? Do you want a small school or a large one? Do you want to be a university with a big D1 sports program? We can be your eyes and ears to help you truly understand the differences between universities and determine which best fit your needs.

We do not cherry pick top students (though they like working with us)! We are excited to work with all students interested in attending university. There is a best fit university for every student where they will thrive. You get out of your university experience what you put into it. You can be a very successful professional graduating from any university if you apply yourself. We will help you get there.



M*Power Approach

We’re a team. That’s how we view the students and parents we work with. Each part of the team is charged with fulfilling certain tasks and when these tasks are clearly communicated, agreed upon upfront, and fulfilled in a timely manner, the student is more likely to get successful outcomes. We’re all working towards the same objective: admission to universities where the student will be happy, thrive, and find success.

We try to minimize the stress students and families often experience during the college admissions process by encouraging students to take control over and responsibility for the process, while providing them with structure, deadlines and goals. 



Marjori Bergman's Story

As an independent educational consultant, I specialize in the university admissions process. I approach this exciting time for each student and their family with optimism, passion, knowledge and empathy.

I am often humbled by the trust my students and their families place in me. I empower students to recognize their strengths, core values and opportunities for improvement, to value their instincts, and to gain confidence in their own voice. Highly selective universities seek authentic students, so it is very important for students to be able to showcase their authentic and best self through the application process and this does not come easily to most students.