
Bethany Miles-Greene

Parent, Trinidad

My daughter Giselle came home one day and told me she wanted to go to university in the US.  This was not anything her father and I thought about.  We didn’t have any money for that and no one in our family had migrated abroad.  However, she told me she met someone who could help her get into a university and get a scholarship.  I didn’t believe her, but she was so excited to try to make this work I didn’t want to say no.  We let her attend the sessions with M*Power and then had some meetings with Marjori and learned so much about how this works.  It IS possible to get scholarships, even if you’re not a US citizen.  I am so happy to say that Giselle got into 4 universities with full scholarships to all schools.  We are so proud of her!  This will give her so many new opportunities for her future.  My younger daughters are also now excited about the idea of going to the US for university and they are working much harder at school to make sure they can get scholarships too!  We never could have done this without the help of M*Power.