
Lisa Browne


I went through the application process and attended university in the US. How much could things have really changed? Very quickly I discovered how out of touch I really was. The application process is completely different.

My daughter goes to school in Trinidad and really needed someone to hold her hand through the American college application process. Marjori is that person. She is fantastic! She is very knowledgeable about how to choose an appropriate range of schools based on your teen’s interests and grades, the application process, and finding people who can answer questions to help with your unique set of circumstances.

She listens. Although she probably has the best plan to handle obstacles that pop up to accomplish the desired result, she still listens to your ideas then integrates them into her strategy. She is definitely a team player.

Marjori is very timely and expects your teen to commit themself to the same. My teenage daughter was able to stay on schedule to complete the many forms, letters, essays and recommendations required submitted before their deadlines. Thank goodness Marjori is able get through to teens so they can get what they need done.

As a parent, sometimes I feel like I’m stuck in a cycle of repeating what needs to be done with little to no effect.

I have also never seen Marjori angry or upset. Even when my daughter missed a date, she simply called her on the phone and had her start the work then and there while they were on the call together.

I highly recommend Marjori as a college consultant. She made the improbable, possible. My daughter has been accepted into her first choice university with scholarship money. I can’t thank her enough.